Friday, June 5, 2009

And we're off!

After a 14 hour flight from Newark to Delhi, a 5 hour layover in Delhi and a 4 hour flight from Delhi, Deb and I arrived into Bangkok at 6:55 am on the morning of Thursday, June 4.

We took a taxi to the hotel, checked in, showered, and took off to see the city. Bangkok has gone through a stunning transformation over the past 10 years, when Deb was last here. Three-wheeler tuk-tuks have been largely replaced by pink taxis (why pink, I have no idea). Highrise towers and Japanese brands are ubiquitous. We have a Starbucks right across the street from our hotel.
Although parts of Bangkok are ultra-modern, the city retains its distint Southeast Asian personality. Here are some photos from our first day!

The beginning of the journey
On the taxi from the airport

Bangkok from our hotel
On the Chao Phraya river, headed towards the Grand Palace

One of the Wats in the Grand Palace grounds

The oldest Buddha statue in Bangkok, the reclining Buddha at Wat Pho
Wat Pho Buddha statues


  1. love the photos & video so far!! and pink taxis? nothing wrong with that in MY book! ;-)

  2. We loved your photos! Mom, Joyce & Grammama! We had a great birthday dinner at the Washington Inn, met Leigh Ann's new beau. Jeremy badly sprained his ankle & could not join us. Missed you!
